SharePoint 2013 Visual Upgrade from SharePoint 2007


If I’m not posting as many interesting Azure posts for the comming weeks, then it’s due to the fact that I’m currently in the process of doing a large upgrade of an SharePoint 2010 environment, and thus my focus is on this until it is complete.

On that note I just wanted to quickly post the answer to a question that I was wondering myself. What happens if you upgrade a site running with SP2007 UI to SP2013 UI.

Well technically a SP2007 UI will not stop the upgrade process it will automatically do the visual upgrade to 2010 for you. It will however give you this warning:

The site located at [/sites/data] in the database [SP_
_Content_DB_01] is using SharePoint 2007 UI
which is no longer supported and may cause visual errors or b
lock functionality. We strongly recommend that you run Visual
Upgrade on the site and verify the site is working correctly
before proceeding. Otherwise, we will force all sites using
SharePoint 2007 UI to visually upgrade to the 2010 UI as part
of the database upgrade process.

Whether or not the site is working afterwards depends on the amount of customization you have done. But at least you don’t have to run a visual upgrade before if you don’t want to.