Get Azure AD domains from TenantID


In Azure AD a tenant is uniquely identified by a tenant ID which is a guid. Unfortunately guids are not very user friendly, so most users remembers their AD tenants by the domain name, it could e.g. be

If you are working with the Azure management api, you can get a list of all tenants a given user have access to from the following endpoint:

Unfortunately that response looks like this
"value": [
"id": "/tenants/f386bf36-faf3-4000-adec-1f6d78dbf0bf",
"tenantId": "f386bf36-faf3-4000-adec-1f6d78dbf0bf"
"id": "/tenants/c47429d7-cdd7-456b-bfcc-003ebd418b05",
"tenantId": "c47429d7-cdd7-456b-bfcc-003ebd418b05"
"id": "/tenants/14e88547-8862-4887-95f3-839be792d384",
"tenantId": "14e88547-8862-4887-95f3-839be792d384"
"id": "/tenants/37597dd5-5816-4d7a-99e8-b2e6c3f4d0c2",
"tenantId": "37597dd5-5816-4d7a-99e8-b2e6c3f4d0c2"
Not something that you can present to a user and expect them to know which tenant are which. Luckily there’s another endpoint that can help us provide some extra details about the Azure AD instance behind the tenant id.

The endpoint that can help us out are part of the azure ad graph API and located at[tenantId]/tenantDetails?api-version=1.6

Note that tenantDetails are case sensitive in this api.

A get request to the above endpoint with a valid access token returns the following, from which you can dig out the tenant’s domain names from the verifiedDomains array. In the example it is (obviously I anonymized it)
"odata.metadata": "$metadata#directoryObjects/Microsoft.DirectoryServices.TenantDetail",
"value": [{
"odata.type": "Microsoft.DirectoryServices.TenantDetail",
"objectType": "Company",
"objectId": "f386bf36-faf3-4000-adec-1f6d78dbf0bf",
"deletionTimestamp": null,
"assignedPlans": [{
"assignedTimestamp": "2015-08-07T01:40:28Z",
"capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
"service": "WindowsAzure",
"servicePlanId": "fca3e605-0754-4279-8504-3f1229f29614"
}, {
"assignedTimestamp": "2013-12-24T11:11:56Z",
"capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
"service": "AccessControlServiceKey",
"servicePlanId": "e4f8ab60-7072-4bb1-a183-08024ca10c54"
}, {
"assignedTimestamp": "2013-10-14T03:34:46Z",
"capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
"service": "AccessControlServiceS2S",
"servicePlanId": "11d043ce-3f21-4ff8-8a7f-ac68e2decc5b"
}, {
"assignedTimestamp": "2013-10-14T03:34:46Z",
"capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
"service": "AccessControlServiceS2S",
"servicePlanId": "11d043ce-3f21-4ff8-8a7f-ac68e2decc5b"
}, {
"assignedTimestamp": "2013-10-14T03:34:46Z",
"capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
"service": "AccessControlServiceS2S",
"servicePlanId": "11d043ce-3f21-4ff8-8a7f-ac68e2decc5b"
"city": null,
"companyLastDirSyncTime": null,
"country": null,
"countryLetterCode": "DK",
"dirSyncEnabled": null,
"displayName": "Simtex",
"marketingNotificationEmails": [],
"postalCode": null,
"preferredLanguage": "en",
"provisionedPlans": [{
"capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
"provisioningStatus": "Success",
"service": "AccessControlServiceS2S"
}, {
"capabilityStatus": "Enabled",
"provisioningStatus": "Success",
"service": "AccessControlServiceS2S"
"provisioningErrors": [],
"securityComplianceNotificationMails": [],
"securityComplianceNotificationPhones": [],
"state": null,
"street": null,
"technicalNotificationMails": ["[email protected]"],
"telephoneNumber": null,
"verifiedDomains": [{
"capabilities": "Email, OfficeCommunicationsOnline",
"default": true,
"id": "00050000802C9A98",
"initial": true,
"name": "",
"type": "Managed"